
Know & Grow: God’s Character in Rain

In Know and Grow, My Poetry, Resources by Shannon Cochran

Know-and-GrowI awaken. Before my feet hit the floor, I ask, “Lord, what do You want to teach me today?”

Drip, drip, drip drops the rain.

Today You impressed on my heart, “Look for My character even in rain.”

In the drizzle still of morning and throughout the day, I feel Your mercy shower, reign.

Download my poem now: God’s Character in Rain

I look for Your character during the day,
In each situation along the way.
I look for Your character, even in pain;
Today I see Your mercy in the rain.
You know my heart, its desires too.
I am overwhelmed, Lord—so much to do!Watching-rain
But God, my Help—You take my hand.
Walk me, step-by-step, through Your plan.

This good work in me, God will do.
His grace and strength will see me through.
I mutter reminders: this work is for Him.
I pray my legs won’t tire or faith grow dim.

Oh faithful Lord, for the rain I thank you!
It covers me, so this work I can do.
Your peaceful rain, for me, is a treat.
These tasks I accomplish, minus defeat.

No guilt I feel for staying inside;
This rain is a blessing, in God’s love I abide.
Thank you, Lord, for pouring down on me today
In these showers of blessings, Your mercy reigns!

Shannon Cochran