Why Get Married?

In Marriage, Purpose, Resources by Shannon Cochran


Why Get Married?

Far too often people forsake friendship for figures and companionship for convenience. We see people choose to divorce lifelong love, fellowship, and friendship for worldly success and “freedom.” We look out for number one and cannot bear the “burden” of marriage because we do not why-get-marriedwish to be “tied down.”  This poem–a Shannon Lee Cochran original poem written as a Happy Anniversary gift to her hubby– takes a refreshed look at a handful of reasons “Why Get Married.” 

‘Tis true the laundry multiplies and every purchase is times two:

Two cars,

Two dinners,

Two movie tickets.

Twice as much work to do.


‘Tis true that I gave up privacy; what was once yours or mine is now “ours”:

Our home.

Our bills.

Our money.

In everything we are joint heirs.


But payments, purchases, and privacy are no great loss compared to love.

Far greater is the return when I invest in you, the one I always think of.

The multiplication of love, bills and laundry can never exceed.

Two is better than one, much more fun indeed!


Independence is lonely, how delightful is a friend!

Especially one that knows me; on you I can depend.

If not for love and friendship, how boring life would be.

Life is sweeter, richer–when spent alongside you, Hubby.


If not for love and friendship, with whom would my burdens share?

If not for love and friendship, on whom would I cast my cares?

If not for love and friendship, how much heavier life would be.

Life is lighter, simpler, when you help me, my hubby.


Every mountain is more majestic with you to stand next to.

Each valley is more bearable when your love and support helps me through.

Each earthly pleasure and heavenly joy is greater magnified

When enjoyed with you, my faithful husband, by my side.


Obstacles and hurdles, less challenging do become,

When you help untangle me—challenges are far less cumbersome.

A deeper and better “me” I can fully realize,

When I step back to see through the view of your eyes.


The multiplication of love, bills and laundry can never exceed.

Two is better than one, much more fun indeed!

“Tis true that life is different when shared,

But in looking back, it will be better to have cared.

Shannon Cochran