Change is needed. But how do we get the change we so desire? Live ReMARKably gives you the whitespace you need to escape your “ditto day” where everything stays the same and nothing changes. Captain God drives this ship. A capable crew on board works behind the scenes to take care of your needs.
All y-o-u must do is come aboard and be present in each heart-to-heart conversation. Each one has a purpose. And the tone of our conversation is inspiring, encouraging, raw, real, and life-giving.
Are you ready to elevate your way of seeing life, womanhood, and God? This voyage will move you forward to new horizons, show you how to anchor your perspective in God, and equip you to bring virtue home—to the people you know in the places you go in y-o-u-r world.
Long story short, it’s a God-story born out of my dire need for God’s help in hard circumstances that challenged me to think about this question: what kind of woman will I be? God heard my cry for mercy. He met me in my mess, answered my honest questions, and showed me His heart . . . not only for me, but for all women . . . but I’m not the only woman who’s wrestled with this question & many other questions that deluge us women when we consider our womanhood . . .
God made us women for a good purpose, but how do we live it out?
As I personally wrestled w/ my womanhood, God gently answered my questions and helped me reclaim my hope for virtuous womanhood. He showed me my gifts, encouraged me to share them with others, and faithfully guided me as I prayerfully wrote Live ReMARKably (for 13 years w/ expert help from my amazing writing coach Lorraine Pintus, “Dr. L”) to be effective at changing women’s lives.
I wrote Live ReMARKably so the women I know (and those I don’t) can be confident that our womanhood matters.
To inspire you through a time-tested (non-faddish) model of virtuous womanhood that doesn’t go out of style so you can get better with each birthday.
To elevate your perspective from myopic to majestic so you won’t dizzily swirl in your difficult circumstances that threaten to derail you.
To expose the 5 leaky mindsets (& ONE anchor) so you won’t drown alive, holding onto the wrong things that won’t anchor you when [harsh] reality happens.
To share the power source for life-change so you can ever-blossom--get better with time.
To illuminate that you were created for a good purpose and equip you to live a life that makes people’s lives better every day you have a heartbeat.
God wants us women to know why our womanhood matters to our world. We were made for more than mediocrity. If your heart is still beating, it’s not too late for you to get anchored and Live ReMARKably!
Trust me . . . it’s better on board! But I’ll share that our adventure starts in your stateroom--more like a cozy cabin. I show you around your ocean view room with a private balcony. You notice a gift basket (yes, it’s yours to keep). And the conversation continues as we sit on your sofa, pulling out goodies from your basket that guide us as we talk more about virtuous womanhood.
Our heart-to-heart conversations extend beyond your stateroom as we share adventures that include meeting 16 different women, people-watching at the beach, spa night beneath the marvelous Milky Way, and a captivating telescope tour at the height of the voyage. Are you ready to elevate your perspective of womanhood so you can make a marvelous M-A-R-K as you Live ReMARKably in y-o-u-r world?
A voyage across the open seas is the perfect transport for our adventure to embrace the challenge to become virtuous women. Why? Because the ocean mirrors the complexities and dualities of life itself.
It serves as a cradle for a myriad of exotic creatures and unique vegetation, nurturing life in its depths in ways that are both awe-inspiring and enigmatic. Just as life presents a blend of calm and chaos, beauty and fear, the ocean too exhibits these paradoxes. Its surface can be serene, reflecting the sky like a tranquil mirror, while beneath, currents and creatures engage in a wild, untamed dance. The ocean's vastness and depth make it a symbol of mystery and infinite possibilities, much like the human experience, which is filled with both the known and the unknown, the understood and the inexplicable.
This parallel between the ocean and life itself invites us to embrace the wonders and uncertainties that both realms offer. EXCEPT, in this journey, you don’t have to be afraid because guiding at the helm of everything you will encounter--good, bad, and in-between--is the Maker of the Sea.
Live ReMARKably unfolds inspiration, encouragement, adventures, Aha! moments, and elevated perspective anchored in timeless truth . . . It’s hard to narrow down my favorite part of Live ReMARKably. We live in a hyper-connected but painfully lonely world. I definitely love the companionship the reader and I enjoy as we voyage together. I love that our conversation is personal and meaningful. It’s face-to-face and heart-to-heart. Our bond forms a deep friendship that continues (and deepens) from the moment the reader realizes that she’s an active part of the book until she returns to her Home Port, equipped and empowered as a transformed woman ready to radiate virtue in her world.
Our virtuous voyage is fun. It touches every sense and evokes many emotions. It reaches the deepest recess of the female spirit, sparking inspiration, renewal, and even revival. Overflowing with hope, I am energized as I envision the ripple-effect potential of each woman who chooses to get anchored and Live ReMARKably. God’s design for womanhood is powerfully life-giving, far-reaching, and marvelous.
Buy the Book.
I personally invite you to join me, along with many other women, on this virtuous voyage to get anchored & live ReMARKably.
This voyage is for all women. It offers inspiration, perspective, and God-focused guidance for womanhood. It’s useful for younger women who are forming their ideas about womanhood.
For older women who see the confusion of modern womanhood but don’t know how to reach this generation—fear not—Live ReMARKably is also a mentoring tool that offers timeless truth in conversational words that speak to today’s young women. You can read it alongside your daughter/granddaughter/niece/mentee & discuss it together.
Read it for yourself. You can also gift Live ReMARKably to another girl in your world who needs to know her womanhood matters.