Meet Shannon
“I believe in the power of a GOoD woman to change the climate of a home, a workplace, and a community. Do you?”
Shannon Cochran is a Jesus-following Wife, Mom, G-ma, Author, and Life-giver in Austin, TX. As a 20-year old college student, God used a humbling life event to captivate Shannon’s whole heart and turned her mess into her ministry. Now speaking from 26+ years of experience in clinging to God as her Captain, Shannon offers God-focused purpose, perspective, and practical help, showing women how to get anchored and grow remarkable.
My Letter to You.
Meet My (Growing)
L to R: My youngest son Jonathan “Gift of God”; My 2nd born son David “Beloved of God”; David’s & his wife Saydie; My husband Matt “Gift of God”; My true middle child Samuel “Because I asked the Lord for him”; My firstborn son Matthew “Gift of God” holding my first grandson, Matthew Lee Cochran III “Trip”- “Gift of God”; Matthew’s wife Ebee holding my first granddaughter Natalie “birth of the Lord”
I never could’ve imagined what my choice to put my complete trust in Jesus could’ve meant 26+ years ago when I faced the hardest, most humiliating, and darkest moment of my life. Going my own way I ended up pregnant, unmarried, jobless at only 20 years old.
With a precious baby on the way, I was forced to make life-trajectory changing decisions. I was scared. Desperate. My choices demanded that I decide WHO would take the steering wheel of my life: God or me.
Blink. Blink. 26+ years later I look back, thank my Captain God for His faithfulness, and stand amazed at His goodness, mercy, and power to work all things out for our good.
My Blessings from Captain God