Perfect Guacamole

"Are you going to make nachos for the game?"

He's cute when he asks me if we're going to eat appetizers Deluxe Nachos for dinner while we cheer for our Texas Aggies a dozen Saturdays in the fall. When we do, this guacamole recipe is PERFECT for deluxe nacho game days!

No, we don't eat nachos every week. But when we do, they're a welcome treat. And a good way to use a small portion of leftover taco meat. Deluxe nachos tend to be a fall favorite for my husband, family, and me. Especially during football season. Gig 'em Aggies!

But nacho making can be a bit tedious, adding toppings chip by chip. In the effort to simplify prepping nachos, I experimented with an idea and discovered an interesting trick . . . 

Use a pastry bag!

How do you use a pastry bag for making nachos?

Good question. I cut off the end of a plastic (disposable) pastry bag, attach a couplet (the little plastic do-dad that holds a decorating tip and the ring-thing that you twist together with it when you ice a cake the fancy way), fill it with nacho toppings (one topping at a time), and pipe it onto each tortilla chip that you previously spread across a baking sheet (I line mine with foil first to make for easy cleaning and storing of leftover nachos).


Chocolate Sheet Cake


Pumpkin Pie