Life-giving Perspective for a Girl Between Gardens

In Blog by Shannon @Today's Lady Virtue

Wanted to share this poem, “Girl Between Gardens“, I wrote on the return flight home from Washington D.C. as I processed what God showed me at a Bible conference there. This past weekend I participated in Word Alive with Lysa TerKeurst, Kelly Minter, and Lifeway Ministries at the astounding Museum of the Bible.

Amazing. Holy. A taste of Heaven on earth. I praise the Lord for powerfully speaking and working through Lysa TerKeurst’s words to offer life-changing, faith-strengthening, and root-deepening perspective to us “girls living between two gardens”—the Garden of Eden (cursed) and Eden Restored (re-perfected).

If you’re like me, keeping the right perspective in earthly life is absolutely necessary.

Can you relate? Doesn’t right perspective ground you when your life turns upside down?

In her Genesis to Revelation Bible teaching talks, Lysa TerKeurst wove God’s good redemption plan to save us from the penalty for our sin (death) through Jesus (who gave His perfect life to save imperfect people–us). He conquered Death. He rose back to life on the third day. Now He’s in Heaven preparing a place for His children who believe in Him. Jesus is coming soon, but in the meantime, we must endure living in a broken world.

But how do we do this well?

Thanks to Jesus, we don’t have to live like dead people walking.

But we do need right perspective to live well while we’re waiting for Heaven . . .

Girl Between Gardens

Light dawns. 

Living streams and earth.

Creation birthed at His Word.

From dust–man.

From his rib–woman.

God-fashioned girl from a garden.

Suitable for helping man.

Made for life-giving.

But easily assuming and deceived.

Cursed. Blessed. Covered. Banished.

Clay–fashioned, fired, and

Shattered just right.

Better. Stronger. Perfect Potter!

Just like Eve, I’m a God-knit girl between gardens,

Enduring brokenness from sin’s curse,

Yearning for perfection in the wait,

The wait for Jesus to return

And reverse all that’s wrong.

A girl longing for Eden restored.

But even in decay, 

Thank You, Jesus,

I’m living uncondemned 

Till that day when no night falls,

And crafty serpent doesn’t call out 

To eat shattered pots with dust.

I’m God’s girl living in a Jericho world,

Yearning for perfection and lasting reward

To lay before the King.

Truly, He’s the light. The bread. 

The Gate. The Good Shepherd.

The Way, the Truth, the Life,

The True Vine. The Resurrection and the Life.

Behold the lamb who was slain to take away

The sin of the world!

He’s coming soon as a lion!

In this broken wait, I embrace my calling!

I’m God’s chosen girl for my “world” to shine and sing,

“Don’t wait for the millstones to stop grinding!

Behold, Jesus! He is your king!

Act now. Bow low. Sisters, bend your knees!

Or you can go down like I did–

The Path of Humiliation–excruciating!”

Trust Jesus. ‘It is finished.’ 

Your sin is covered. 

Jesus is the answer.

Believe and receive.”

God I pray, Save my sister from her unbelief.

“Go with Him now to the middle Sea of Galilee.

Pause with Him here in the press of olives.

Let Him salt and soak and salt and soak you

As the eastern wind whips 

And the western winds refresh your soul

In the ever-blossoming P R O C E S S 

For a girl living alive in Jesus between two gardens.

Turn away from the familiar, comfy.

Beware of the Dust-eater–subtle, crafty.

Oh, Seed, sown in good soil,

Be planted and watered,

So that you can reap a harvest 100-fold.

Not refurbished, but a new creation!

Out with the old. In with the new!

Dear sister, I charge you,

“Grow. Endure. Mature.

Slip into you God-calling.

Persevere for the Crown of Life,

Sure as Jesus returning to the Mt. of Olives.

Certain as every dead thing that will be

Swallowed up forever, 

For Death and Decay have no authority.

Our Jesus is the Victor!

Where He goes, new life teems,

Light dawns,

Streams of living water flow.

Taste and see, sweet sister!

His bread satisfies all your longings.

Jesus is King of the land of the living!”

Read the Word about life between two gardens here and shine while you wait for

the restoration to perfection that will come when Jesus returns.

Share one way this “Girl Between Gardens” perspective inspires, challenges, or changes your way of thinking re: living well during earthly life.

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Shannon Cochran